Religion and My Research

Sunday, January 31, 2010

School Prayer

"school prayer." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.

Prayer is the acknowledgement of a higher being and the request for guidance from that being, but if our country isn't acknowledging religion than issues their should be no "official" prayer in school. Prayer can be easily done while walking or before class or during class, rather than making an official time that makes those who do not believe feel uncomfortable. It is much more constitutional to allow allow those who want to pray to pray when they want to, but not make an event out of it because not everyone does. The establishment of a nonsectarian prayer doesn't work either for this reason, and it seems to me that when people pray they think about much more personal things than just a standard and recited line for all to use as a filler. It is not the states role to get involved with any type of religious matters, accept those affecting the well-being and safety of others. If the governments concern is not having a moral code for kids to follow; than just teach them good morals through education and world issues rather than religion.


jimmyc said...

I completely agree. i think the best form of praying is staying within yourself and making it as personal as possible, because that is exactly what it is. People will get much more out of praying within themselves for whatever they want than by parying a set prayer.