Religion and My Research

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

President Obama's State of the Union Address

In his Address tonight it seemed that his attempt was not only to bring about change and what has been done so far to accomplish it, but the face that we are all Americans; Democrats, Republicans, Citizens, Politicians. We all want what is best for our country and what will bring our country out of a deep hole and demand change. He spends a lot of time talking about the economy, and although views in Washington are obviously very different from each other, the working American must be represented and Washington must make sacrifices for them. The president tried to ease the tention and seperation in the room with humor trying to bring all people present onto a personal level and promoting unity. This is very important because we are supposed to be a united Nation and having two political parties with such tension and differences does not promote peace and prosperity but division and disappointment. President Obama also spoke of creating new jobs and mentioned stories that he had been told or letters he had read from middle class America or Americans at poverty level, he attempted to reach his audience on an emotional level and use examples to show how things are bad but as long as Americans remain hopeful and struggle well, good and more prosperous times are ahead. He also mentioned small towns and places he had visited and expereicned and seen the economy at its lowest, this allowed me to relate because it showed that he wasnt just talking about statistics but speaking from memory and experience; he had seen these struggles himself. Overall, President Obama presented a very good speech stressing to americans that we as a nation tend to shine when we are under pressure and distress because we come together and solve the problems that need solving and do not accept 2nd place.