Religion and My Research

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Initital Thoughts On My Research Topic: Religion

My first thoughts about my topic (Religion) are that it there is so many controversial or widely discuseed topics that are very interesting such as the belief in science over God or the belief in God before science. Im interested in this topic because I have my own opinions and beleifs but I am interested to see the beliefs of others in comparison, because it is important to know about other thoeries or religions that my own. Its also important to know your own religion or belief very well and to be able to show people why you believe in it, because even as a high school student when religion is brought up I am asked to, not defend, but describe why I beleive what I do and the way I transfer that to all aspects of my life and how I live. I do have a couple questions about Relgion, however. Why is evolution being taught in schools and relgion not? Can science and relgion go hand in hand? Why is it that most people are able to see the differences in religions nad not all the similarities which are more often bigger, and what are these similarities in which religions? Shouldnt there be a connection to the way you act in a relgious setting and the way you act in public and with peers? Are morality/instincts and religion connected?