Religion and My Research

Sunday, January 31, 2010

School Prayer

"school prayer." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.

Prayer is the acknowledgement of a higher being and the request for guidance from that being, but if our country isn't acknowledging religion than issues their should be no "official" prayer in school. Prayer can be easily done while walking or before class or during class, rather than making an official time that makes those who do not believe feel uncomfortable. It is much more constitutional to allow allow those who want to pray to pray when they want to, but not make an event out of it because not everyone does. The establishment of a nonsectarian prayer doesn't work either for this reason, and it seems to me that when people pray they think about much more personal things than just a standard and recited line for all to use as a filler. It is not the states role to get involved with any type of religious matters, accept those affecting the well-being and safety of others. If the governments concern is not having a moral code for kids to follow; than just teach them good morals through education and world issues rather than religion.

Freedom of Religion?

"freedom of religion." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.

Do we really have the freedom of religion? It was established that their should be a wall of separation between Church and state, and that no religion or belief should be taught in an educational environment. Yet, the government allows evolution to be taught in schools all over the country? I understand excluding religion from curriculum, but if you do this mustn't you also exclude evolution which to many can be seen as a form of religion. It is based on historical discoveries and facts but the implication that it exists and a higher being (which it implies in its teaching instead of religion) does not seems to me a lot like forced beliefs. It is important to stay consistant and allow americans to believe what they wil lrather than raise kids with the belief of a evolution and natural selection which makes any religion seem surreal, because it isnt enforced in schools where children build the foundations of their lives with morals rules and opinions.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Religion in the United States

"religion in the United States." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

This article was mainly about all the different types of religions there are in the United States and how at some point each one made a struggle to establish their place here in America. Some have had collisions with the government or with other religions based on influence and strength, but somehow our overall respect for each person to choose their own faith has allowed us to focus on what makes us similar rather than different and brings us closer together. The fact that the Constitution doesn't prohibit free exercise or establish a religion allows us all to be happy with what we choose instead of having to convince everyone that ours is the best, this contributes to happiness and togetherness because lets face it, its one less thing to fight about. Even though there are many different religions in America most have the establishment of a greater being and a desire to achieve a better life, this has contributed to the overall morality of America in that we tend to turn to our faith to value right and wrong which helps us to deal with situations with good morals present. The first amendment allows Americans to believe what they want to believe which poroduces a much happier and propersous nation, rather than a nation that resents its government for making them believe what it want them to. Although the government is istructed by the law to stay out of all religiuos matters, they can still be found in the constituion, our currency and the pledge of alligiance, so if America thinks the government was created and meant to be run unreligiuosly it should take another look; religious morals and standards are everywhere in our government.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Creationism vs. Evolution

"creationism v. evolution." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010. .
This article answers a couple of my essential questions about religion and gives a good timeline from where we as Americans were 100 years ago and how our views have changed or adapted according to new studies or old beliefs. They discuss Darwin's theory of Natural Selection and how his publishing's provided proof of species evolving, and how they weren't just created by a higher being like the book of Genesis says. Darwin's controversial findings created a movement more and more people beginning to believe it because of the unavoidable proof provided as apposed to creationism which does have as tangible proof. Some speculators and more traditionalists refused to believe and in fact sued the schools for trying to teach it but were denied because its based on scientific fact, and creationism was taken out of curriculum's in public schools because it was seen as unconstitutional to favor a particular religion. But who's to say that these two ideals cannot go hand in hand? Although Darwin maintained that God could have created the initial handful of creatures from which all other animals evolved, most of the public and scientific world saw Darwin's theory as a direct challenge to creationism. As time went on fewer people believed in creationism and more in evolution. To this day the argument still exists as to which of the two are true; personally I believe that together they make sense better than either individually. Although one may have more tangible proof it depends on the individual and what they choose to believe. And I think that this will continue to be a quarrel until all people on either side choose to look beyond their own noses and take the time to at least hear the other side, everyone had their own beliefs but it does not hurt to be open to new ones or at least prevent ignorance by listening to the other side of the argument.

Initital Thoughts On My Research Topic: Religion

My first thoughts about my topic (Religion) are that it there is so many controversial or widely discuseed topics that are very interesting such as the belief in science over God or the belief in God before science. Im interested in this topic because I have my own opinions and beleifs but I am interested to see the beliefs of others in comparison, because it is important to know about other thoeries or religions that my own. Its also important to know your own religion or belief very well and to be able to show people why you believe in it, because even as a high school student when religion is brought up I am asked to, not defend, but describe why I beleive what I do and the way I transfer that to all aspects of my life and how I live. I do have a couple questions about Relgion, however. Why is evolution being taught in schools and relgion not? Can science and relgion go hand in hand? Why is it that most people are able to see the differences in religions nad not all the similarities which are more often bigger, and what are these similarities in which religions? Shouldnt there be a connection to the way you act in a relgious setting and the way you act in public and with peers? Are morality/instincts and religion connected?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

President Obama's State of the Union Address

In his Address tonight it seemed that his attempt was not only to bring about change and what has been done so far to accomplish it, but the face that we are all Americans; Democrats, Republicans, Citizens, Politicians. We all want what is best for our country and what will bring our country out of a deep hole and demand change. He spends a lot of time talking about the economy, and although views in Washington are obviously very different from each other, the working American must be represented and Washington must make sacrifices for them. The president tried to ease the tention and seperation in the room with humor trying to bring all people present onto a personal level and promoting unity. This is very important because we are supposed to be a united Nation and having two political parties with such tension and differences does not promote peace and prosperity but division and disappointment. President Obama also spoke of creating new jobs and mentioned stories that he had been told or letters he had read from middle class America or Americans at poverty level, he attempted to reach his audience on an emotional level and use examples to show how things are bad but as long as Americans remain hopeful and struggle well, good and more prosperous times are ahead. He also mentioned small towns and places he had visited and expereicned and seen the economy at its lowest, this allowed me to relate because it showed that he wasnt just talking about statistics but speaking from memory and experience; he had seen these struggles himself. Overall, President Obama presented a very good speech stressing to americans that we as a nation tend to shine when we are under pressure and distress because we come together and solve the problems that need solving and do not accept 2nd place.

Helloooo There!

So this is my first blog post, Val will blog for food, and Danielle is babbling something unimportant, while Jill is usual...and Jimmy is superdooper! I do not know what to blog about, so enjoy this....