Religion and My Research

Friday, February 5, 2010

Redemption By: John Gardener

This story for me was very interpretive and important, because like the title it is basically a story about a boy who "kills his brother" by running him over with a tractor. Although Jack could have prevented this accident by pressing on the brakes, he was so shocked that he didnt react fast enough. His intentions were definately not meant to kill his brother. Jack spends the next years draped with guilt and unable to find redemtion within himself and pushes God away, although others seem to be supportive and forgiving. As Jack seems to be wasting away ignoring his family and friends he finds an escape and peace in playing the french horn. He begins to use it to fill up his time and it becomes his world. Jack comapres to his music teacher both of them surviving from a tragic accident and fining peace through music. Jack and other characters either turn to God or ignore him, those who look for him or rely on him seem to find peace or at least are able to face this, but those who turn away just bury thier pain inside and do not face it because they deep down know that God is forgiving.He finally finds that disregarding your faith is not the best way to heal, and when your God sends you through something he will always pull you through as well. Even when we think God is unfair or cruel in the things that he does to us he has a plan to help us out as well. for Jack, after the accident he wanted nothing to do with God, God gives him a way out and puts the French Horn in his life to help him to move on and discover redemption within himself.