Religion and My Research

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse

By Daniel L. Dreisbach
Even today there is a dispute among lawmakers and citizens about church ans state. I think that church and state should be separate, even though I feel strongly about my religion I understand and respect that others don't or others favor another religion and no one should be forced to be part of something they don't believe in; especially when it comes to faith. Minority religions must be equally represented, and governing from the standpoint of one religion policies or ways of ruling may not regard minorities as much. Although i do agree that no matter what kind of government you have aspect of the church or other religions will be involved because much of the time religions are based on morality faith and belief and America has been built upon those standards since its creation. I think that it is very important to have a religion because it is something that we as Americans have a right to and we can choose our own way as individuals. It has a lot to do with who we become and what we want to accomplish and something of such importance should not be involved in government, in fact it is written in the foundations of our laws (the Constitution) that we have the freedom of religion and will not be forced to be a certain faith.