Religion and My Research

Monday, February 8, 2010

Opposing Viewpoints: Teaching Religion in Public Schools

Kafer, Krista. "Public Schools Should Teach More About Religion." At Issue: Religion and Education. Ed. Tom Head. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 8 Feb. 2010

This article brings up a lot of good point in that, According to the Constitution, the American people are guaranteed the right to practice religion free from government intervention, however there is not a current standards religion that everyone believes in and creating one would be prohibiting choice and freedom of religion. "Schools need not be and, legally speaking, should not be "religion-free" zones. The Supreme Court has affirmed students' rights to religious expression and the appropriateness of instruction about religion. An understanding of the role of religion in history, art, and current events is necessary for a well-rounded education." Even though I agree with this statement I also believe that if schools are to incorporate religion in schools they must be careful when they do it. They must be sure that all religions are Incorporated in the curriculum and discussions so that all are included and have an equal opportunity to represent themselves and be heard. This is almost impossible and that's why i believe Religion should be discussed but not taught in schools; since religion is a very important part of peoples lives they should be able to discuss it with others who have different or similar beliefs in their primary place of learning. I also believe that teaching evolution is a violation of the constitution because it it basically another religion and teaching it as the standard truth to kids is possibly misleading and unlawful. They should form their own opinions as to what they choose to believe and shouldn't be influenced by what they learn in schools.